Dancing With Douches
Slated to come out next Fall, Dances With Douches follows the captivating twerking infused douche dance troup as they entertain us from crappy beach party to more crappy beach party. Filmed over a backdrop...
Bro Stalks Enormous Fun Bags
Dear Douchemaster,
I just wanted to take the time to write this letter and tell you how much I really appreciate all the hard work you put in bringing us the most amazing douchebags on...
The Creeping Douche Of Hyde
This bro isn't even trying to conceal his creeper status at Hyde Club. I can kind of respect that, to be honest. Let your douchey creeper flag fly, that's what I say..
Creeper Douche
Yeah....this happened. Something tells me this picture ends up on Dateline Investigates someday and the douche in it is a big reason why..
Austin Douchebag Chokes On Own Douchiness
Dear Douchemaster,
Um, this douchebag is choking on his own douchiness. This is insane. Did he paint his face like he was reliving the end of Apocalypse Now, only his version was Douchalypse Now? I...
Mega Hipster Amazeballs
Austin had a Derby event, you know, people trying to copy the Kentucky Derby and dress up all rich-like. But this bro clearly failed by douching out like a hipster and sporting a shitty...
Austin Bros Party Down With Tang
Dear Douchemaster,
This is a picture from a pool party in Austin, a city that is primarily built as a safe haven for douchebags and hipsters. My question is, are these bros drinking Tang at...
Bro In Bowtie Possibly Winning.
I don't completely know what to make of this picture other than to say that this douche's bowtie must behold some pretty serious super powers. Namely, the super power of attracting enormous boobs. Sure,...
Buttery Delicious Broad
Wow, that white iPhone is sure super white compared to the buttery goodness that is this broad that either caught a case of Jersey Shores or happened to fall asleep in a Pittsburgh tanning...
Bro Not Hitting That.
Dear Douchemaster,
I am going to say this bro wants to bang this broad, but its not going to happen. I realize this is a totally useless letter to write, and shallow, but I am...
Bros On Instagram
Dear Douchemaster,
I F'ing hate instagram douchebags. Why the tongue shots?
This is a really gross selfie. I think he's licking the lens. Both of these bros have some serious douche hair, also..
Bad Boob Grab Attempt By Bro.
Dear Douchemaster,
I found this picture from a Charlotte bar picture website and I can't help but find myself pondering what the heck this bro was trying to do here? Was he trying to karate...