Yes Douchebags, I’m saying there’s a chance….

Yanet Garcia, that super crazy hot weather girl from Mexico that is now all the rage in the states, is dating a douchebag, Call of Duty gamer. The name of the guy who all evidence suggest gets to stick his genitals in her genitals is Doug Censor Martin. He’s also known as Faze Censor. And before you get excited that she loves the super douchiest gamers possible, or basically low lifes like you all, slow down. This Bro is rich as F’. He gets serious cash to review games.
Here’s her Instagram pics, and yes, they are everything you’d expect.
Here is a picture of Yanet failing at limbo.
Here is Yanet Garcia having sex with a park bench.
Here is a picture of a creepy guy with an iPhone taking a creepy picture of Yanet Garcia and probably saving it to a file named STALKTHEM/ on his laptop.
Here is Yanet Garcia staring at a tree.
Here is Yanet Garcia casually fiddling with her extensions pretending she has no idea her picture is being taken.
Here is Yanet Garcia using her iPhone 6Plus to take a picture of what her ass looks like after 1000,000,000,000 squats.
Here is Yanet Garcia crashing every dream you have ever had.